Disability sites
CaringAndSharing.info Providing live-in and live-out home care for the elderly and the physically or mentally frail |
1Voice.info | A network of support and information for children who use communication aids, and their families | |
AFarCry.info | Disabled sportsperson's information with regulations, trips, adaptations, and other information for disabled hunters and anglers | |
Community-Living.info | European Coalition for Community Living working towards the social inclusion of people with disabilities | |
Connevans.info | Online resource of assistive equipment available for deaf and hard of hearing people | |
CWBA.info | Crusaders Wheelchair Basketball Academy based in Coventry | |
EarsForEyes.info | Enrichment Audio Resource Services are a non-profit public charity providing, free of charge, audio cassette lesson tapes to teach adaptive daily living skills to the vision impaired and their caregivers | |
GARI.info | Global Accessibility Reporting Initiative helping consumers find a device with accessibility features that work best for them | |
IntellectualDisability.info | Understanding of the nature of intellectual disability, a learning resource for medical, nursing and other healthcare students | |
LDPB.info | West Midlands Learning Disability Partnership Board linking websites from Coventry, Worcestershire, Warwickshire and Herefordshire | |
LiveInCare.info | Providers of 24 hour home care, live-in care and home care services in the UK | |
MCare.info | Millennium Care Services provides support for individuals with learning disabilities throughout the Wakefield and Five Towns area | |
MDAC.info | Mental Disability Advocacy Center advances the rights of children and adults with intellectual disabilities and psycho-social disabilities | |
NCWD-Youth.info | National Collaboration on Workforce and Disability provides information about employment and youth with disabilities | |
TheDesk.info | The Medicaid Reference Desk tool to help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities | |
W4A.info | Annual international cross-disciplinary conference on Web accessibility |
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