ICT sites

United Kingdom flag Click to visit the Transport-Research.info website Transport-Research.info
High performance web mapping server demo with global basemap data, using OpenGIS protocols
United States flag AfriBiz.info Making business happen in Africa by providing platforms for entrepreneurs, SMEs, non-institutional investors, and professionals to be successful in their ventures related to Africa
United States flag Ashleys.info Independent office equipment dealer based in Georgia supplying industry-leading digital copiers, printers, facsimile, mailing products as well as network and software solutions
United Kingdom flag CSRI.info Cyber Security Research Institute
United Kingdom flag Datel.info Leading UK provider of accounting software, ERP software and CRM software from Sage
United Kingdom flag DMCplc.info Printing and scanning solutions for the legal, financial, creative, public and education sectors
United States flag Fathom.info Helping clients understand and express complex data through information graphics, interactive tools, software and online services
Ireland flag GoMobi.info Developing mobile websites
Pakistan flag ITInsightME.info News, articles, reports, in-depth analysis, event coverage and interviews for IT, telecom and media in the Middle East
United States flag ITNG.info Information Technology New Generations an annual event focusing on state of the art technologies pertaining to digital information and communications
United States flag PredictiveData.info Provide hard to find information to the financial services industry
United Kingdom flag Public-i.info Using the social web for successful public engagement
United Kingdom flag RegentStreetLocal.info Property management software and digital marketing services for landlords, tenants and clients across the property sector
United Kingdom flag Shredding.info Secure document shredding service, on-site and off-site data destruction business
United Kingdom flag Zeidman.info A software company which also offers all the services you need to make your database as effective as possible, including training, consultancy, bespoke customizations, set up, integration and maintenance

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